Mahila Sabha Mutual Benefit Trust

Empowering Women for Sustainable Development

Mahila Sabha Mutual Benefit Trust

Mahila Sabha Mutual Benefit Trust (MBT) is a federation of Mahila Sabha groups that has been formed by Badlao Foundation since its inception. This federation aligns with our commitment to women's empowerment and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, particularly Goals 1 and 3.

Since the beginning, the village-level Mahila Sabha units have been at the forefront of grassroots-level development initiatives. Moving forward, the MBT will play a pivotal role as the interface between people's initiatives and Badlao Foundation's meaningful interventions in a process-oriented manner. The MBT will be primarily responsible for undertaking tasks that were previously initiated by the organization on behalf of women.

During the initial stages, Badlao Foundation will coordinate activities and provide support to the MBT to strengthen their people-led initiatives. Additionally, we have plans to gradually transfer the extension centers, which we have developed over the past 25 years, to the MBT. This transition will enable greater autonomy and sustainability for the Mahila Sabhas.

Capacity-building is a critical component in enabling and empowering the Mahila Sabhas. However, it has been recognized that existing project resources are insufficient to meet the financial loan requirements of the Mahila Sabhas. Therefore, Badlao Foundation is actively working to explore alternative financial resources to address this challenge.

At the organizational level, a core team has been formed, consisting of nine dedicated members. This team plays a vital role in guiding and supporting the MBT’s initiatives, ensuring effective coordination, and implementing strategies to advance women’s empowerment and sustainable development.

Through the collective efforts of the Mahila Sabha Mutual Benefit Trust and Badlao Foundation, we aim to create a transformative impact on the lives of women, fostering their autonomy, promoting gender equality, and contributing to the overall socio-economic development of the communities we serve.